>> Current Festival Sign-ups
OK Bio Brewfest - Sign-Up Here
Each year about this time, beer festivals and charity events happen. As the weather starts to cool off, Oklahoma is primed for these great events.
Red Earth can be found at many of them. In years past, we have participated and brought some excellent beverages you can only find at these festivals.
Here are a few things you should know about participating as a member in one of our pouring events.
BREW!!! – we are going to need beer for these events.
Be a member. Red Earth carries insurance for our club and it’s members. Your name is listed as a member under the coverage. We cannot let you pour beer at our booth if you are not a member.
Have a current ABLE Cider/Wine/Beer Personal Use Permit. You can get it here. Then, you need to email it to redearthbrewers@gmail.com. This is so that we are following ABLE regulations.
There will always be a sign-up sheet for each pouring event. This helps plan the event and lets us know who is going and what they are bringing. Keep an eye out for them on our facebook paid member group or our website.
If you donate beer to the event, you get 1 point per gallon added to your Tom Challis Club Member of the Year points. But only if you let us know via email. It is very hard to keep track of all that is donated.
Typically, when you sign up, you are allowed to bring a +1 to the event to help you pour. But we are NOT guaranteed this allotment. Just know it is a highly likely possibility. Again, that +1 MUST be a member.