Homebrew Competition
REB’s largest comp to date is 300 entries this year. 6 entries per brewer. We have some professional scale up categories for Oklahoma-based entrants.
If you registered or participated last year, we've still got your info, log in and enter.
We'll have table sponsors and great raffles, plus an awards banquet and dinner!
Please remember to sign up to judge or steward if you can because we can use all the help we can get!
Registration and entries are open Apr 1, 2023 through May 5, 2023
Shipping and drop off are between May 5, 2023 and May 19, 2023
Judging starts on Saturday, June 3, and we've got 4 weekend and 2 weekday judging days planned, so come on out and help!
BOS judging and awards dinner and ceremony are planned for Saturday, June 10th.