Deb Prichard

Each month we will feature one of our brewers. This month, our featured brewer is Deb Prichard. Deb is one of Red Earth's most accomplished brewers. She has won countless medals in competitions across the country. Here is a little more about Deb and her craft beer journey.
Occupation: Veterinarian
How long have you been brewing: 6 years
What are your favorite styles to brew? Love the aroma from the smoked and darker grain bills.
What got you into brewing? Husband purchased a Cider kit and I really enjoyed the results. Wanting to be able to brew safely and efficiently, I took a class at the Brew Shop and they turned me toward REB.
Current Brewing Rig: Purchased off craig’s list;

What Brew Day Rules do you follow? Start early if it is a hot day, have fun. I fudge a lot, although not always on purpose.
Most influential brewing tip you learned: Don’t Rush the Beer! Slow down the sparge = huge improvement in efficiency, and take 3 weeks in the fermenter to allow the yeast to clean up your competition beers.
Your tip for new brewers just getting started: Don’t hesitate to ask for help from Club members whether it is to problem-solve a fault or to help efficiency/ improve a recipe. Everyone is super generous with their knowledge; Host a brew day - some will bring equipment and brew with you and everyone offers helpful tips. Go to someone else's brew day to watch or brew, you will pick up tips from others.

What’s on tap at your brew house right now: Well, it’s pouring event season, I have 6 kegs in the fridge and a couple of taps on the shelf above to attach when thirsty; Gose, Hatch Green Chili and Lime Zest Gose, Rauchbier, Blonde, Cranberry Berliner Weiss, Schwarzbier with Anaheim and Serrano Peppers, and, of course, Marc’s kegs are pretty sample worthy too.